1. London elements
London is one of my favourite places in the world, so whenever a cover includes the Big Ben or a cute London skyline, I can't help but fall in love with it!
I love books about weddings, so whenever I spot a cover with a wedding/bride theme I will most likely pick up the book and get it!
Chick lit books are almost always about romance, and I love it when this romantic element is used on the cover by featuring a silhoutte of a couple... Love it!
A pretty font goes a long way, especially when it comes to book covers, if you ask me!
I really enjoy books about baking, cupcakes, tea shops, and love the usually yummy covers of the novels!
There's nothing like a bit of glitter and sparkle to spice up a book cover and I have to admit I definitely have a weakness for a bit of sparkle!
Christmas is my favourite time of year, so it's no surprise that I also easily fall in love with book covers with a Christmas theme going on!
I also love book covers like the Nicholas Sparks and Kristin Hannah covers above, with elements of darkness and light, fireflies, pretty lights, lanterns, etc.
I fell in love with the covers of this series of classic leatherbound classics by Barnes & Noble the first moment I saw them, and think they're absolutely gorgeous!
It's hard to ignore these covers with their absolutely stunning colours, love it!

I really like the covers Barnes & Nobel have for classics. They are so pretty.