'Once Upon a Story' is a weekly feature in which we go back in time and focus on a specific novel that was released in the same month we're in right now (in this case May), but a few years back! It can be a women's fiction classic from the 1990's or perhaps a great chick lit read from 2011. I thought it would be nice to not just focus on recent releases, but also take the chance to jump back in time once a week and look back at wonderful reads that have been released over the years!
In June 2013, Sophie Hart's novel 'The Naughty Girl's Book Club' was released and it was one of those books all of the book bloggers seemed to be talking about! I remember seeing the cover of the book everywhere, and it got me really curious. When I was in the UK for my summer holiday, I picked up a copy, but unfortunately it's still lying on my to-read shelf. I still love the idea behind the book, just like the gorgeous cover, so I think it's definitely time to pick it up, a year after its release!

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