Upcoming Release: 'The Story of You' by Katy Regan

Your past will always be part of you, but does it have to define your future? Or can you rewrite your story?
I want to explain it all to you. How this happened. How that summer – the summer I was 16 – made me the person I am today.
I want to share my memories with you: the happy memories are like sunbursts, sparkling on the sea. But then, like a current dragging me under, there's that summer of 1997.
The summer my life exploded.
The summer I had to grow up.
The summer you came into my life.
And so this is the story of you.
This summer lots of exciting releases are coming our way, including the one I'd like to focus on today: Katy Regan's 'The Story of You.' I've seen the lovely cover of the book on different book blogs during the past couple of weeks and it definitely got me curious as well. I haven't read any of Katy Regan's other books (such as 'How We Met', which was released in 2012), but the blurb has definitely got me interested. I love the fact that not too much information is given away, but it still manages to already have me hooked. The Kindle version of 'The Story of You' will be released on the 3rd of July 2014 and the paperback version of the book will follow in September. Can't wait to read this!
Be sure to pre-order your own copy now on Amazon by clicking here!
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