Can you tell us something about your novel, ‘Rock My World’?
Ruby Cameron is an ambitious reporter for a local paper where she is fed scraps of news, and lives with a man whose “idea of living dangerously is to leave the heating on when we pop out to the shops”. But after catching her squeaky clean boyfriend in flagrante delicto she ups sticks and moves into her own small home, only to discover the ghostly presence of a cheeky rock star who becomes her confidant as the dynamics of her small town, and her feelings about her dashing new boss, begin to throw up more questions than she can answer. Will Ruby discover who she really is, and perhaps more importantly, who she wants to be?
Where did you find the inspiration for ‘Rock My World’?
I love music, especially rock and the ideas just came from that. I always have to have music playing in the background when I'm writing. Listening to lyrics seems to help alot too.
Why did you decide to add a ‘ghostly’ touch to the novel? Is it something you have always been interested in?
I'm honestly not sure where the ghostly element came from. It just popped into my mind when I was drafting the characters and plot ideas.
What about the protagonist of the novel, Ruby. Can you tell us a bit more about her and how she became your main character?
Ruby is passionate, creative but tends to put her foot in it without meaning to! She has also not had a lot of luck with relationships and is starting to think that love might not be for her. I wanted to create a protagonist who people felt they could relate and warm to. She's a very caring person, but there's a real element of ambition in her too.
There’s a great mix of support characters in the novel. Which character did you most enjoy writing about and why?
Thank you! Ooh that's a difficult one! I think it would have to be Ruby but I did also enjoy writing about Peter de Marlow - who is about as opposite from Ruby as you can get! His ruthlessness was good fun to create.
Can you perhaps tell us something about your future plans as an author? Are you already working on a next novel?
I've actually just finished writing my second novel (another rom-com) and am polishing that at the moment. I've also started pulling ideas and research together for my third (also a rom-com) which features a well-known character from history.
Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?
Don't Give Up! I know it's easy to say but it is true. Read lots of books, write lots and just try and hone your style. If you are determined enough, it will happen.
What is the last book you read that you’d like to recommend to others?
"Gifted &Talented" by one of my favourite authors Wendy Holden. It is beautifully written and has a great cast of varied characters.
Which book could you not live without?
It would have to be my notebook! I carry it everywhere and use it every day, for jotting down all sorts.
And last but not least, if you had to describe ‘Rock My World’ in just three words, which words would you pick?
Emotional, funny and sexy!
Thanks so much, Julie! :)

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