Can you tell us something about your novel, ‘Kept’?
Kept is about twenty-something Arielle Lockley who always wanted to be the next Coco Chanel, but has instead spent the past four years living a dizzying whirl of glitzy parties, luxurious holidays and daily shopping sprees, and not doing anything to make her Coco dreams happen.
When the recession hits, it’s not just the economy that takes a tumble… Arielle finds herself living back with her parents, on bad terms with her ex boyfriend Piers, and with a CV that’s as welcome as a pair of knock-off Jimmy Choos. Not to mention unwelcome thoughts of her childhood sweetheart that are popping into her head. Arielle must not only figure out what it is she wants to do with her life but who she wants to be with.
When the recession hits, it’s not just the economy that takes a tumble… Arielle finds herself living back with her parents, on bad terms with her ex boyfriend Piers, and with a CV that’s as welcome as a pair of knock-off Jimmy Choos. Not to mention unwelcome thoughts of her childhood sweetheart that are popping into her head. Arielle must not only figure out what it is she wants to do with her life but who she wants to be with.
Kept is the jet-set fantasy we’ve all dreamed of, but it explores the reality of what it’s actually like being that kept woman, especially when it all goes horribly wrong!
Where did you find the inspiration for ‘Kept’? Is it in any way based on your own personal experiences?
Like Arielle I’ve known what career I’ve wanted to do ever since I was a child (Arielle’s childhood dream was to be a fashion designer). Writing Kept made my dream happen, but I won’t spoil it by telling you how things work out for Arielle!
Real life is definitely a great place for book inspiration but I always make sure to add a fictional twist if I do draw upon any of my own personal experiences.
Real life is definitely a great place for book inspiration but I always make sure to add a fictional twist if I do draw upon any of my own personal experiences.
What about the protagonist of the novel, Arielle. Can you tell us a bit more about her and how she became your main character?
Arielle is definitely a flawed character, and one confused lady! I wrote her so that you hate her at the start of the book but then slowly warm to her as she realises what an awful person she has become - you see her try to redeem herself for her past bratty behaviour throughout the book. She's a fan of fashion but underneath her flawless appearance - which makes her appear more confident than she actually is - she has the same insecurities as anyone else.
There’s a great mix of support characters in the novel. Which character did you most enjoy writing about and why?
That definitely would have to be Obélix, who is Arielle's best friend from home. He completely has Arielle's back, although theirs is a relationship that is very much stuck in their teenage years - lots of name calling and taunts, which was great fun to write! Obélix has a heart of gold though, despite his perversions, and it was fun thinking of ways to make him dreadful, albeit still very lovable.
Can you perhaps tell us something about your future plans as an author? Are you already working on a next novel?
I'm currently working on Kept's sequel, which is called Lost. You'll be able to find out how Arielle gets on now she's back in London... I don't want to spoil it for those who still have Kept on their TBR pile, but I can tell you that there will be more of Obélix and Felicity in this book, as well as some interesting new characters who might not be all that they seem on first appearances...
Lost will be out later this year. My second novel Geli Voyante's Hot or Not was released last October, and is currently available in Kindle and paperback formats from Amazon.
Lost will be out later this year. My second novel Geli Voyante's Hot or Not was released last October, and is currently available in Kindle and paperback formats from Amazon.
Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?
Never give up. It might take you six months to publish your novel or it might take six years... if you give up though, it never will.
What is the last book you read that you’d like to recommend to others?
Broken Dolls by James Carol. It’s not a chick lit book – I tend to read thrillers, crime fiction, young adult and non-fiction when I’m working on my own books so I can’t accidentally ‘contaminate’ them – but it was a gripping storyline, albeit sometimes a little too gruesome in parts! It tells the story of Jefferson Winter, an investigator who is over in London trying to stop a serial killer, and I’d highly recommend it.
Which book could you not live without?
Do I really have to pick just one?! OK, fine then, but I’m going to cheat slightly and pick my copy of The Complete Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis, which is beautifully illustrated by Pauline Baynes – it’s technically one book! It’s one of my favourite books, and one I’ll read time and time again.
And last but not least, if you had to describe ‘Kept’ in just three words, which words would you pick?
Love. Fashion. Redemption.
Thanks so much, Elle, for taking the time to do this interview! :)
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Thank you for your lovely review and having me on the blog today. {^_^} xx