Another book tag, yay! As I mentioned before, I love book tags, so I'm really happy the lovely Laura over at She Loves to Read tagged me to do this super fun book tag in order to get to know each other a bit better!
Tell us five random facts about you.
Tell us five random facts about you.
- I’m ¾ Dutch and ¼ Welsh, and it’s particularly the ¼ Welsh which I’m incredibly proud of. My grandmother was Welsh, and since I’ve been a little girl I’ve been spending lots of time in Wales and other parts of the UK. I absolutely love it there and it feels like home, more than the Netherlands does.
- I went to university and have 1 Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Culture, 1 Master’s degree in Western Literature and Culture, and a Research Master’s degree in Literary Studies. I love books and I love researching literature, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to find a job within this particular field when the economic crisis hit. I now have a job doing something completely different, but I sincerely hope I will be able to do what I love with all my heart one day... Fingers crossed!
- I’m quite a girly-girl when it comes to clothing: I almost always wear dresses, preferably ones with cute patterns, flowers, skirts I can twirl around in. I used to work in a supermarket where I was forced to wear jeans, so I’m glad I have a more formal job now where it’s okay to dress up!
- I’m a true sucker for anything romantic. I adore love stories and I always want stories to have a happy ending in one way or another. That’s also how I picked the name for my blog: A Spoonful of Happy Endings (which is also a reference to Mary Poppins, one of my favourite films of all time!
- I’m a really big Jane Austen fan. I love her six novels and collect almost anything that is in a way related to her or her work.
When is your birthday?
The 27th of May. I’m not a big fan of
birthdays, even though I love presents and cake, like most people, haha. I just
never feel like really celebrating my birthday by having a party and I also
never take the day off because it’s my birthday. It’s just another day!
What is your favourite
I know this is supposed to be a simple question, but
it’s a question I always answer differently or don’t answer at all! I guess I
don’t really have one specific colour I love the most. I really like pink, but
at the same time I also love royal blue, emerald green, ochre yellow... So, I
honestly can’t pick just one!
What is your favourite
All the memories I have of the holidays I spent at
my grandparents’ house in the Gower, in the South of Wales. They used to have
this amazing house, right next to the beach, and I had some of the best and
happiest times of my life there: playing in the garden, waking up really early
to watch CBBC, building sand castles on the beach, going shopping with my mum,
taking walks with my dad, helping my nanna in the kitchen... I’d do anything to
go back to those days.
Describe a day in your
Well, on an average weekday I get up at 6:15 and
leave the house at about 6:45 to catch my train to work (I have a full-time job
working as a policy officer within the field of education). It’s a 2-hour
commute to get to my office building, which I always spent reading. You could
say I have a typical desk job, so I spent most of my time sitting behind a
computer. Occasionally I have meetings in other cities, which means I get to
travel around the country a bit every now and again! At the end of my day, generally
somewhere between 17:00 and 17:30, I get on the train again and I’m usually
home around 19:00. My lovely boyfriend usually makes sure dinner is ready as
soon as I get home, so then we have dinner together and spend the rest of the
evening being lazy and watching telly, unless we have other things planned,
such as dinner with friends.
Name five of your
favourite songs.
Hmmmm, I have to pick 5 good ones! *rubs chin*
Phil Collins – Can’t Hurry Love
Busted – You Said No
The Beatles – Let It Be
Taylor Swift – Red
The Beach Boys – God Only Knows
If you could only eat one
thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I think I’d have to go for Italian in general,
because I couldn’t possibly choose between pizza or pasta. I love both, yummmm,
SO good!
What is something you
really dislike?
Spiders. I hate spiders, from the really tiny ones
to the incredibly scary larger ones, and I’m really scared of them. Next to
that, I really dislike conceited people and people who take credit for other
people’s work.
Summer or winter?
I have to go with winter, because winter means
Christmas, my favourite time of the year! I’m not a big fan of warm weather, so
while I love a nice Spring day with lots of sunshine, I’m not really the summer
If you could live anywhere
in the world, where you would live and why?
I’d like a lovely cottage or pretty country house
somewhere in Wales or England, close to the beach, somewhere slightly in the
middle of nowhere but not too far from a big city. I’ve always wanted to live
in the UK, so having a beautiful house there would be a dream come true!
Name five of your
favourite films.
Just five?! I love all romantic comedies and chick
flicks, so it’s difficult to name just 5 favourite films. Alright, here we go:
Love Actually, Mary Poppins, Notting Hill, The Wizard of Oz, Grease.
If you won the lottery
what would you buy?
I’d immediately give up my job and buy that amazing
house in the UK (with a large library in it!) I just talked about! I’d also
probably go on a nice, long holiday, just to get away from it all for a bit.
Oh, and I’d definitely give a large part of the money to my parents, because
they deserve it!
Favourite day of the
It has to be either Friday (because it’s the start
of the weekend) or Sunday (because it’s always a lazy day I usually spent
blogging and reading, which I love!).
What three things would
you take to a desert island with you?
My favourite book, my boyfriend, and a lamp with a
genie in it who can grant me three wishes, so I could get out of there if I
really wanted to!
Sweet or savoury?
Savoury, even though I looooove home-made goods like
cookies, cheesecake, brownies… But at the end of the day, I’d have to go for
Early bird or night owl?
Early bird, definitely. I love getting out of bed early and making something of my day. I can't stay up too late because I just get really sleepy.
Name five of your
favourite books.
Once again, it's difficult to only name five!
Louisa May Alcott - 'Little Women'
J.K. Rowling - 'Harry Potter' series
Nicholas Sparks - 'A Walk to Remember'
Jane Austen - 'Pride and Prejudice'
Emily Giffin - 'Something Borrowed'
Once again, it's difficult to only name five!
Louisa May Alcott - 'Little Women'
J.K. Rowling - 'Harry Potter' series
Nicholas Sparks - 'A Walk to Remember'
Jane Austen - 'Pride and Prejudice'
Emily Giffin - 'Something Borrowed'
Favourite drink?
Favourite animal?
At the moment, I'm just a tiny bit in love with Boo the pomeranian. He's just the cutest dog EVER, and I'm not a big fan of dogs at all, but I just want to take this one and hug him all day long, I can't help it!
At the moment, I'm just a tiny bit in love with Boo the pomeranian. He's just the cutest dog EVER, and I'm not a big fan of dogs at all, but I just want to take this one and hug him all day long, I can't help it!
Who do you tag next?
Jo @ Cometbabesbooks
Isabell @ Dreaming With Open Eyes Reviews
Eve @ Eve's Chick Lit Reviews
Kim @ Kim the Bookworm
Jo @ Cometbabesbooks
Isabell @ Dreaming With Open Eyes Reviews
Eve @ Eve's Chick Lit Reviews
Kim @ Kim the Bookworm

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