A Bookish Christmas!
Jess over at 'Jess Hearts Books' had the brilliant idea of creating a Bookish Christmas Q&A for book bloggers to answer to get into the festive Christmas mood. Thanks so much for coming up with this survey, Jess!

1.) Advent Calendar: what's the next big book release you're counting down to?
I think the next book release I'm counting down to is Lucy Diamond's 'The Year of Taking Chances.' The book will be released on the 1st of January 2015 and I'm sure it's going to be a great read, because Lucy's novels never disappoint. However, I also think it will be the perfect book to start the new year with; a year that will hopefully be filled with tons of amazing reads!
2.) Snow Day: which best friends from a book could keep you entertained all day long?
Definitely Angela and Jenny from Lindsey Kelk's 'I Heart...' series. They are both such great characters and they always manage to crack me up with the things they say and go through together. The 'I Heart...' series consists of 6 parts and I am keeping my fingers crossed there will be at least 6 more, because I honestly don't think I will ever get enough of it.
3.) The Nativity: which book/series would you most like to see adapted into a movie, TV show, play etc?
I think Ali McNamara's 'From Notting Hill with Love... Actually' would be an absolutely fantastic film which all chick flicks fans would fall in love with. And it could even be turned into a film series, because there are already 3 novels with the same groups of characters. Ah, I can easily imagine how amazing it would be!
4.) Carol Singing: which musical book character/s would you like to turn up on your doorstep caroling this Christmas?
I'd have to go with Elsie Maynard and the choir she belongs to from Miranda Dickinson's lovely novel 'When I Fall in Love'. I love this book and the choir consists of so many heartwarming characters; I'd love it if they appeared on my doorstep singing Christmas carols!
5.) The Perfect Gift: which book from your wish list would you most like to find under your tree on Christmas morning?
I'm keeping my fingers crossed I will find a copy of 'Jane Austen: Cover to Cover - 200 Years of Classic Covers' under my Christmas tree this year. I'm a big Jane Austen fan and I need this collection of book covers; it sounds amazing!
6.) Do You Want To Build a Snowman? What do you think are the key ingredients for a life like character?
I think it's really important for a reader to be able to relate to a character in one way or another. Even if it's just something small, there has to be something that connects me with the character in a certain way, to make me feel something, whether it's love, envy, sympathy, or intense dislike. Next to that, good and detailed descriptions also help to bring characters to life in my head, even though they sometimes look nothing like the actual description, haha!
7.) Tree, Tinsel, Fairy Lights: most decorative book cover of 2014?
I honestly can't just pick one 2014 book cover I loved the most, because there were so many amazing ones I fell in love with. A cover can do so much for a book and I can't get enough of pretty book covers like the ones below! <3
8.) Christmas Kisses: which book crush from this year would you most like to kiss underneath the mistletoe?
Hmmm, this is a good question. I think I'd have to go with Ben from Giovanna Fletcher's 'You're the One That I Want'; I developed quite a crush on him while reading the book!
9.) Snow Ball Fight: a book that you thought would be a lot of fun but left you feeling cold.
I finally got the chance to read Adele Parks' 'The State We're In' this year, a book which all bloggers seemed to be so incredibly excited about. The whole idea of this 'big secret' at the end of the book really intrigued me, but I think it prepared me for something so big, that in the end it could only disappoint. I had really high expectations and unfortunately the novel just didn't manage to live up to them, which was a shame.
10.) Christmas Traditions: a book that you read over and over again.
There are several books which I will never get enough of. Of course there's the Harry Potter series, which most people can read over and over again; Jane Austen's novels; and Louisa May Alcott's 'Little Women.'
11.) The Night Before Christmas: a book that kept you up reading late into the night.
I have to admit there are hardly any books that actually manage to keep me up late. I need my sleep, so I don't find it very difficult to put the book I'm reading down and just continue in the morning. The only books that actually managed to keep me up are the Harry Potter books; I REALLY didn't want to put those down.
12.) Rudolph: which book shone the brightest for you this year?
I have to think about this because my top 10 of 2014 will be up on my blog within the next couple of weeks, and I am even having difficulty picking just 10 books. I did, however, really love Lisa Dickenson's 'You Had Me at Merlot', so that's definitely one of the books that's going to be part of my list!
Great answers Jody! Thanks for taking part. I'm really looking forward to The Year of Taking Chances too I think it might be my first read of 2015! Hope you have a lovely Christmas :)