Marianne Baker is happy. Sort of. She’s worked at the same job for years (nearly 15, but who’s counting), she lives at home with her mum (who is driving her crazy) and sleeps in a single bed (yep, her love life is stalled). Playing the violin is her only real passion – but nobody like her does that for a living. Then one night everything changes.
The father who abandoned Marianne over twenty years ago turns up on her doorstep, with a dark secret that changes her life forever. Suddenly Marianne’s safe, comfortable world is shattered. If her father isn’t the man she thought he was, then who is he? And, more to the point, who is she? It’s time to find out who the real Marianne Baker is.
Why so excited? --> I'm not familiar with Jemma Forte's work, but I really like the sound of her upcoming release 'When I Met You.' The book has a really nice cover as well, so I'm looking forward to checking out this author's work! / / Goodreads
Hallie has a secret. She's in love. He's perfect for her; he's even single. But he's out of bounds. And her friends aren't going to help her because what they do know is that Hallie hasn't got long to live.
Flo has a dilemma. She really likes Zander. But his scary sister won't be even faintly amused if she thinks Zander and Flo are becoming friends - let alone anything more...
Tasha has a problem. Her new boyfriend is the adventurous type. And she's afraid one of his adventures will go badly wrong.
THREE AMAZING THINGS ABOUT YOU begins as Hallie goes on a journey. She's about to get a new heart. But whose heart is it?
Why so excited? --> A new Jill Mansell novel! What more do I need to say?!
She’s dated Mr Darcy…now, it’s time for Gemma to prepare to say ‘I do’! And the Bride Wore Prada is the sensational first book in Katie Oliver’s long-awaited Marrying Mr Darcy series, the follow-up to her best-selling Dating Mr Darcy trilogy.
Also by Katie Oliver:
Prada and Prejudice
Love and Liability
Mansfield Lark
and, coming soon: Love, Lies and Louboutins!
Why so excited? --> I have no idea why, but so far I haven't read any of Katie Oliver's works while her Mr. Darcy series sounds like the perfect read for me! I'm definitely planning on picking up some of Katie Oliver's works this year and can't wait to check out this one as well!
An account executive in a Mad Men world, Anna Wyatt is at a crossroads. Recently divorced, she’s done a lot of emotional housecleaning, including a self-imposed dating sabbatical. But now that she’s turned forty, she’s struggling to figure out what her life needs. Brainstorming to win over an important new client, she discovers a self-help book—Be the Heroine, Find Your Hero—that offers her unexpected insights and leads her to a most unlikely place: a romance writers’ conference. If she can sign the Romance Cover Model of the Year Pageant winner for her campaign—and meet the author who has inspired her to take control of her life—she’ll win the account.
For Anna, taking control means taking chances, including getting to know Sasha, her pretty young colleague on the project, and indulging in a steamy elevator ride with Lincoln Mallory, a dashing financial consultant she meets in the hotel. When the conference ends, Anna and Lincoln must decide if their intense connection is strong enough to survive outside the romantic fantasy they’ve created. Yet Lincoln is only one of Anna’s dilemmas. Now that her campaign is off the ground, others in the office want to steal her success, and her alcoholic brother, Ferdie, is spiraling out of control.
To have the life she wants-to be happy without guilt, to be accepted for herself, to love and to be loved, to just be—she has to put herself first, accept her imperfections, embrace her passions, and finally be the heroine of her own story.
Why so excited? --> I think this is definitely one of the most intruiging releases coming up this January. I really love the cover of this book and the blurb sounds really promising.
Autumn has finally arrived in the small town of Bascom, North Carolina, heralded by a strange old man appearing with a beaten-up suitcase. He has stories to tell, stories that could change the lives of the Waverley women forever. But the Waverleys have enough trouble on their hands.
Quiet Claire Waverley has started a successful new venture, Waverley's Candies, but it's nothing like she thought it would be, and it's slowly taking over her life. Claire's wild sister Sydney, still trying to leave her past behind, is about to combust with her desire for another new beginning. And Sydney's fifteen-year-old daughter Bay has given her heart away to the wrong boy and can't get it back.
Why so excited? --> I love both the cover and the sound of Sarah Addison Allen's new release! I really enjoy stories about families and the Waverley women have already managed to intrigue me by just reading the blurb. Can't wait to read this book!
An American living in London, Lauren is intelligent, beautiful and loves to party. So why can't she convince a man she isn't after something more serious than scrambled eggs and goodbye in the morning?
Determined to snare some regular male affection, she embarks on a project: each month she will follow the rules of a different dating guide - from refusing to pay the bill to chatting up every man in her path - and will switch seamlessly to the next book at the end of each month.
Lauren's love life is about to get scientific...
Why so excited? --> This novel is described as 'Bridget Jones' Diary' for the HBO 'Girls' generation. I have to admit I am not a fan of the TV show 'Girls', but I really enjoyed 'Bridget Jones' Diary' and am definitely quite curious to give Melissa Pimentel's new release a try!
“Midlife crisis? WHAT midlife crisis?!”
Charlotte Bristow is worried about her husband Will. Their fourteen years of marriage have been rather lovely so far, but things have been a bit odd lately.
With their stunning 16-year-old daughter Rosie newly signed to a top modelling agency and Will recently out of a job, Charlotte can’t help but notice that things are changing in their household.
As Will dusts down his old leather trousers and starts partying with their new, fun neighbours, Charlotte begins to wonder what on earth is going on.
So when Fraser, Charlotte’s ex – and father of Rosie – suddenly arrives back on the scene, Charlotte starts to wonder what might have been…
Why so excited? --> Fiona Gibson's novels never disappoint which is why I'm really looking forward to finally getting my hands on a copy of her upcoming release 'As Good As It Gets?'. I have high hopes for this one!
The third short story in the fun & flirty #LoveLondon series from exciting new chick lit author Nikki Moore!
For Georgiana Dunn, life changed forever in the devastating moment that the lorry hit her car.
Scarred and scared, she's not left the house in months.Then her mum buys her a puppy, forcing her to face the world again, walking on London's beautiful Primrose Hill. But that doesn't mean she's looking forward to Valentine's Day.
Leo devotes himself to working with children with special educational needs. In fact, he does very little else, and his friends are always telling him to get a (love) life. So when they challenge him to find a date for Valentine's Day, and he meets a lovely but lost girl who looks like she could use a friend, he thinks he's found the perfect solution.
But life has a way of being less than perfect … Will he be left standing on his own on the most romantic day of the year?
Why so excited? --> For those of you who love chick lit and haven't heard of Nikki Moore's #LoveLondon series should definitely check it out. The series is set in different locations in London, has lovely book covers, and just looks like a brilliant series. Can't wait to also read this part!
As a lonely child, Alice found comfort the same way so many others do - she invented a friend. Sam was always there when she needed him, until one day...he wasn't.
Now, Alice's life almost resembles something happy, normal. She has a handful of close friends and a career as a photographer. But when a tragic accident shatters the world Alice has constructed, the sense of isolation that haunted her in childhood returns. And with it, so does Sam.
To Alice, he looks and feels like a real person, but how can that be so? And who will decide when it's time for him to leave again?
Why so excited? --> I really like the sound of this novel; it sounds incredibly promising and intriguing, and I really look forward to discovering what Fleur Smithwick has done with this story.

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