Taylor Swift Book Tag!
I actually spotted this book tag quite some time ago on Emily's blog 'Books & Cleverness' and immediately knew I had to do it! I'm a big Taylor Swift fan; I love love love her music, so I couldn't possibly NOT take part in this! Besides, book tags are always fun, so here we go! :)

1. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
(pick a book or series that you were pretty sure you were in love with, but then wanted to break up with)
I used to love Ann Brashares' 'The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants' series and I still do, books 1-2-3, because book 4... I'm still in shock. For those of you who read book 4, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
2. Red
(pick a book with a RED cover)
A red book cover immediately made me think of 'Catching Fire', the second book of the Hunger Games series. Don't particularly love this book cover, but it's red!
3. The Best Day
(pick a book that makes you feel nostalgic)
'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'; I remember running to the book shops (I was in England around the time of the release) and being so happy when I finally had a copy of the book in my hands. As soon as I got home, I started reading it and I didn't want to put it down, while at the same time I didn't want it to ever end. Definitely one of the best reading experiences ever <3
4. Love Story
(pick a book with forbidden love)
Nicholas Sparks has written some of the best love stories ever, 'The Notebook' being one of them, and it definitely includes a forbidden love in the form of Allie and Noah.
5. I Knew You Were Trouble
(pick a book with a bad character you couldn’t help but love)
I really had to have a good think about this, because there aren't too many bad characters I end up liking! So, I guess I have to go with Harry Potter again! I couldn't help but develop a soft spot for Severus Snape while reading the series.
6. Innocent
(pick a book that someone ruined the ending for)
I guess I've been lucky enough to not have this happen to me before *knocks on wood*, and I hope to keep it that way!
7. Everything Has Changed
(pick a character from a book who goes through extensive character development)
Initially I wanted to go with Harry Potter... Again,yes. But then I decided to go for one of my other all-time favourites instead: Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice.' Both Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy go through quite a bit of character development in the story, and both come out a better person!
8. You Belong With Me
(pick your most anticipated book release)
There are quite a few book releases which I am really looking forward to, but if I have to pick one I'm currently most excited about, it's probably Emily Liebert's 'Those Secrets We Keep.' I've loved all of Emily's works so far, and the cover for this one is simply gorgeous and I just know I will love it. I can't WAIT to have a copy of this book in my hands!
9. Forever and Always
(pick your favorite book couple)
Landon & Jamie from Nicholas Sparks' 'A Walk to Remember'. I love everything about them and how they are such a good fit together, bringing out the best in each other <3
10. Come Back, Be Here
(pick the book you would least like to lend out, for fear of missing it too much)
Probably my Jane Austen collection! I like to be able to pick up any of Austen's books whenever I feel like it, so I wouldn't want to lend out my collection of her novels to anyone (if it was the only copy I had, obviously!).
11. Teardrops On My Guitar
(pick a book that made you cry a lot)
At first I wanted to go with Harry Potter again, because especially the last part of the series made me cry, cry, cry like a baby. However, another novel that also made me cry, which I didn't expect at first, is Nicholas Sparks' 'The Last Song.' The last few chapters of the novel were so touching, and I just couldn't help myself.
12. Shake It Off
(pick a book that you love so much, you just shake off the haters)
'Has to be the Twilight' series. I honestly love these books, especially the first two parts, and I don't care what other people say. The love story between Bella and Edward is amazing, end of story.
I'd like to tag all Taylor Swift & book lovers, and a big thanks to the people who created this! :)
I love this idea - great answers too! Definitely going to have to have a go at this :)
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear it, Vicki, I'd love to see your answers! :) Thanks for stopping by!